Motorcycle accident

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Motorcycle accident Accidente de Motocicleta

Motorcycle Injuries Experts at Accident911 Help!

Riding a motorcycle can be enjoyable, but it is far more likely to cause an accident than driving a car. A motorcycle accident is clearly more complicated than a car accident because it involves the rider and another vehicle, as well as several environmental elements.

According to the extension of the Florida Motorcycle Safety Coalition, motorcycle fatalities represented 16.6% of all traffic fatalities in Florida in 2020.

The following are the most common reasons for motorcycle injuries:

  • Speeding rider
  • Unsafe road conditions
  • Intoxicated driver
  • Due to a vehicle that makes a left turn.

The most common motorcycle injuries caused by an accident are:

  • Head and neck injuries
  • Back Injuries
  • Inner bleeding or a broken leg
  • Muscle damage

motorcycle accident

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